Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Finally a blog update

Gee... my last blog was like nth months ago... prove what a crazy year it has been for moi. No time for family, no time for friends, no time to even think about updating my blog for you guys who practically only realise YY is alive from my turtle updates... anyway this baby turtle is no longer baby, now a old turtle... slow and haggard... BUT its ok, I am catching up on my beauty sleep and applying a inch thick of face mask to rejuvenate. 

Ah yes stop making funny faces, Megan... I know you are trying to get my attention. "Daddy, pls get Megan to the playground while I announce to everyone I am plugged in AGAIN!!!".

Dear all, welcome back to baby turtle... as you can see, Megan has grown up. She started to go to a Pre-nursery near our place. Ken and me, as usual, did not do much research before deciding on which school to send her. Our only criteria is that it must be natural ventilated with no recycled aircon air, the rest we went on gut feel. 

School as we all know, is the supermarket of viruses. Within a week, she collected her first chop in her thick virus stamp collection booklet. Way to go my girl! Brace up for wimpy days and sleepless nights, adults!

In truth, I do not know if she enjoys the school coz she crys buckets on the way to school in the morning but comes home laughing and singing. 

We suspect one of the many reasons for her reluctance is fear of the water play sessions in school. Teacher Tina informed us that she will burst out crying when water is being splashed at her. Recently, thanks to Ni Hao Kailan, she learned to verbalise her thoughts.... "Be gentle, don't be rough!". On yah, if I haven't told you yet, Megan really behaves like a girl... wah biang.

Mimi continues knitting and coquetting dresses for sweetie pie. These dresses are to me collectibles but not exactly practical in Spore's weather, so I told mimi to channel her energy making some more toys for her grand daughter instead...

... and she started Megan's craze for balloons. Kudos for attending a balloon sculpting course, kids and balloons are a match in heaven. But uou do know your own daughter is balloon phobic right? Just as long as Megan doesn't start asking me to do all these twisting of highly combustible objects when you are not around, thank you very much...

They say imitation is a great form of learning. The "once in a blue moon" handy man Ken must be so proud to see Megan using her chopstick to tighten the screws of her own chair... 

... crosses her leg when seated ...

Now that we have committed to spending more time with Megan, we started to bring her out to beaches or parks on weekends. Have we not done these before, you asked. Err... not really, weekends were precious sleeping time for us if we were even in spore... But looking forward, we certainly need to open up her world beyond the living room and television. 

Obviously the park and bicycle stunt is not my forte, so I shall concentrate on bringing out her inner creativity by engaging her in art. Which should be easy for moi but Mimi says my approach to art is too serious for a kid, might not help in getting Megan interested or building her confidence in drawing...asked me to recalibrate these sessions to become more free, fun, expressive and dirty...  oh, oh.... the "how" is the question... 

Playing hide and seek is also a great way to pass time away from the TV. Yah anything to take her away from Dora and Ni Hao Kailan. 

On a seperate note, parents who want some "me" time and get their children to shut up should sign up for Starhub TV. The kids channels rank number one in the "money (most) well spent" chart of all times.  

Right... its 11am. I need to be discipline and move on to the next errand of the day... Moby here I come, where is lunch????!!!

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