Wednesday, August 25, 2010

27 weeks

Ken bought me an iPhone 4. Finally, I am on par with the high tech cool dudes... WEE WEE!!! That does not however automatically make me e-savy. Feel-good emotions plunged immediately after I first tried to use the phone to call  Cannot find the green CALL button!!! PANIC. Oh anyway, this blog is about the pregancy... hahahah. My iPhone "I'm expecting" Apps tells me that I am currently 27 weeks. And it is dead acurrate in informing me that I may/should/will be suffering from fatigue, backaches and difficulties in sleeping. Food cravings never really started for me but since I will be forgiven for munching... I might as well not give up on the chance to taste the chocolate peanut butter stack cake from Starbucks! HEAVENLY SINFUL!!!!!! Photo taken by my new gadget of coz. We finally got down to planning for the arrival of Megan this week. Listing the hand-me-down items, what to purchase, how to decorate the baby room (aka duty officer room). Finally signed up for our prenatal course. KK's extremely comprehensive 11 sessions prenat course is fully booked so we went for Thomson Medical's 6 session course. 2 slots left!!! Very excited...