Friday, August 5, 2011

Flower Problem

IT department faced a flower problem one day....
A large blue flower grew above Sue's monitor... A toilet break later... another orange flower appeared from no where.
Soon flowers started popping out around her workstation... SCARY!!!
"What fertile soil I have", Sue exclaimed...
However, in the course of one morning, wild flowers grew out of control along IT lane..

Finance took a hit!
No one saw Shermin panicking. I think she tried to pretend the invasion above her pile of invoices did not exist...
Technical Terrance was not spared...
Crisis hit Precilia on Day 3 and she had to deal with a bunch of weird eyeballs right in front of her desk early morning...

The three tried to keep the flower situation under control but soon... with flowers came insects!
From the flight path, it is obvious, the problem AGAIN originate from Sue's area...
Attack of the Ladybugs! AHHHHH... HELPPPPPPP!!!

Attack of the butterflies! AAAAHHHHHH!!!

A poisonous fume came and apparently killed all the flowers one fine day.
All the insects died.

Monday, August 1, 2011

...makes me happy

Walking pass Keppel Bay Tower and encountering beautiful flower arrangements in the lobby makes me happy...
Waking up to discover the flowers blossom a bright pink makes me happy...
Bringing the "kong" to da bao prawn noodle soup makes me happy....
Playing "Guess the animal" game with the guys during long boring meetings makes me happy...

Seeing Ken go yum yum at the Shirashi Special at Wisma Food Court makes me happy...

Walking into the house to hear Megan announce " MaMaMaMaMa" for the very first time makes me lagi happy!!!