Sunday, August 17, 2014

Unappreciative Kids - REALITY CHECK

This must be the fastest blog I have ever written... while having breakfast with Megan Loh half the time whining in the background!!!

A few days ago, Megan wanted to make lollipops. I thought of the cake pops episode and felt it too tedious to repeat so I devised a clever alternative! So smart of me that I was too excited to sleep yesterday night, scrolling through Pinterest for innovative presentations.


We are going to make pancakes. Mini pancakes to be precise so that Megan can participate in the adding of sprinklers and chocolate chips. Then we are going to happily stack them up, sandwiched with fresh bananas and finally poke a lollipop stick through the stack and TADA!!!! A healthy and easy lollipop! Genius mommy, I pat myself on my back.

It started off perfect. Still in her pyjamas, Hart helped Megan with the flour, egg and milk. A little bit hesitant over the non stick pan but she very quickly got used to the heat. The pancakes are so pretty!!!

After the happily stacking, I TADA turned the stack into a lollipop like magic before her face, expecting her to reciprocate with equal excitement... But she went" NO! Where is my lollipop? I want my lollipop NOT a pancake!"

For goodness sake Megan, THIS IS a lollipop!!!

She cannot be convinced and even refused a photograph with my innovative product! And worst still start to whine! In the end I had to smash a mini pancake into a disgusting ball and appease her by sprinkler coating all over that goo ball... Yucks! And THAT she considered a lollipop.

But that is not all, she licked it a few times and left the goo by the table ever since! What a %$%F)(# unappreciative kid!

So now while she bathed, I blogged this and calmed down a bit more... At least she enjoyed the process though hating the product, I comforted myself. When she was back, I tried again, admitting that we are actually making pancakes and it was the most delicious pancake mummy has ever eaten. However Hart has not eaten so can she help make another plate of pancake for Hart?

She looked at me and said " No, if you want, you can make them yourself!" then walked away....

URGHHHHH!!!!! Reality hit me with a bang. We can try as hard as we can but that does not mean the kids will appreciate anything... I think my mum will say " now then you know ah?".... Damn!

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