Thursday, May 7, 2020

Covid-19 HBL with M&M S#2 Day 1 - 4

Spring Home frozen Prata should have done their 10 ways of eating prata advert earlier! Chef Morg dishes out his new prata twist. Bake for another 5 mins and it will become a biscuit churro to dunk into chocolate...
We play Doctor Doctor!!! It is quite funny. Do you want to be a doctor Morgi? 
No! I have a cough. I have a cold! I am dying! (in hindsight, he is right, medical professionals these days have it the hardest... change change...) 

But then kind Megan steps in... 
Megan: Are you ok, Morgan? 
Morgan: I like to put medicine on my leg (pointing to his knee)
Megan puts gauze and medical tape on Morgan's knee.
Morgan: I want a cold patch! I want clutches!

After some medication (milk for calcium), Morgi leaves the clinic with clutches. 

Dr Megan wants an Xray taken during the next check up. She examines his Xrays for possible broken limbs. Wait a minute, Megan says, he broke his knee, why are we reviewing his neck, feet and chest? Well technically, he did not break his knee, he says he wants medicine on his knee and you put a gauze on it... and we do not have a knee Xray.... This whole story does not even make sense!

But... oh oh... is that a wisdom tooth in my Xray?

We proceed to watch Diagnosis on Netflix.

We play out the different seasons and weather... HAHAHAHA.... who am I kidding. I just want to dress my handsome boy in different clothes to go Woooo Ahhhhhh...

Wah... the things one can dig out from the storeroom. Daddy declines to help in the assembly so the kids have to piece this thing together without any reference. Total failure but exhaust one hour of their time. Mission accomplished.

If there is anything we have in abundance, it will be Lego. Didi is relatively new to Lego. So may need a bit of guidance. Time to bring out the Legos...

I was thinking cars and houses but I see the kiddos eating manmade watermelons !!! This is unexpected creativity. When Morgi sees the lighter green inner skin that Megan has, he immediately make changes to his as well. Copycat is doing well.
I bought a lot of these last Xmas for the staff who had to sit through long boring Singapore client meetings... Six left over which makes good computer break time games, now that jigsaw puzzle is completed. Hell No!! Stupidest idea ever. They are irritating, frustrating URGHHHHH the silver BALLS REFUSE TO GET IN PLACE!!!! I am way more stressed than before.

Really. You cannot trust everything you see online. Some sites claim that you can see a rainbow reflected on the inside of the CD. Liar!!!!
Blow painting... Morgi's blowing skills is so so... Leak air one.

We use white board markers to draw swimming tapoles in the sink! It works!
Making jumping frog origami is too difficult for Morgi. Cut up his blow art to make a base of toxic landscape. Jump your frog to land on the eggs or the pond and win. Land on the toxic landscape and you die. Quite fun.

Worksheet to test Morgi's understanding of frogs... He draws a froggie life cycle instead... nice!

I am training Megan to become an expert five stone player. But her hands are small and at best, she can play 3 stones at one go... Morgi's five stones means aim and throw. This boy cannot aim to save his life.
Its 8pm and boy is not sleeping. This is not good. Mummy's Korean Netflix drama cannot start... This demands immediate intervention!! One more activity and off to bed. Take out the torch and we look at what makes Day and Night on Earth.

Morgi's reading list:

Worksheets achieved:
Funny answer: 

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