Friday, May 1, 2020

Covid-19 HBL with M&M Day 18-24

People say 路邊的野花不要採. Plant waterer snips a hygrendrea and dances around the house saying he picked a lettuce! He returns the flower back to the plant after being told that it is not a lettuce. One fine day, I need to educate him on the return policy. 

This is how Morgi keeps himself busy these few days. Snapping photos of everything that interests him then lie in bed reviewing photo by photo...You can be a photographer Morgi (statement retracted after scrolling through the camera SD card last night)
Morgi plays the patterns game from school... Quiet hour for us all... Peace descends...

I adore old fashion toys and I have memories of spinning the tops with mimi. Lucky for us, I have 3 tops for M&M&M competition time!

Painting is such a "depend on his mood and my mood" activity. One good day, we explore using bubble wrap to create patterns in the background. Morgan loves the color red and everything must be drawn with red crayon. He finishes it off with a grumpy Morgan and decides to call it a day... 

We experiment heavy and light objects with a cloth hanger... Bottle of air and bottle of water, which is heavier?
Pull out a new box of 504 pieces jigsaw puzzle we bought from Taiwan years back. 15 pieces per person/time we have a computer break. Little by little, eventually it will complete. And eventually is today! Morgi has his own round puzzle to solve... 

Boy recently discovers storybots and starts using words like "expected" and "unexpected".  He quietly draws, cuts, tape this "bookmark"(he claims) all by himself. This precious "bookmark" is now most likely under some sofa, forgotten. 
Never give up, must try weaving 101 again. This time, raffia string around paper cup so should be easier. Morgan (bottom) still finds it hard... His mother has to finish the job for him. 

I introduce Megan to the world of creative packaging with online examples. 
Then we try our hands on creating a pyramid packaging because I found an old 1000 packaging structure template book on my shelf. I just know one day that thick book will come in useful. Timing is perfect because school happens to teach geometry and the use of Maths instruments. This is a perfect application exercise!
When you are bored, shooting down LEGO figurines becomes a thing. 

I accidentally walk into a pre-natal class conducted by the heavily pregnant Kenneth. Care for the belly, I get it... Good... Breathe in... Breathe out... Now for the Lotus pose.

Mr. Morg takes household chores to the next level. Keep it up Mr. Morg... (I mean keep this up for more than 2 minutes)
Atlas of monsters and ghosts is such a relevant book during this lock down. Megan and me are just watching videos on how Indonesia police hires Covid-19 Pocongs to patrol the streets to scare residents into staying home. Atlas of monsters and ghosts gives a very good introduction of this Asian ghost. Very educational. 
Morgi reading list .... is the old Megan's reading list .... 

Ever since our PM announces extension of the circuit breaker, I am in no mood to ask Morgan to do worksheets... 

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