Friday, April 24, 2020

Covid-19 HBL with M&M Day 12-17

I spoke too soon... circuit breaker extends for another 4 weeks... M&M look totally fine with this development. The third M is suddenly not feeling so well... need to rethink this situation through. But first, let me cry in the bathroom....

Today I introduce the kiddos to impressionism. Classical starting point for anyone interested in art history... and Nobody is... But let's talk about pointillism. It is a technique of painting in small dots....
Oh Morgi finishes painting a rainbow before I even start demonstrating... Then he draws a lot of inverted Vs which he titles the artwork "a lot of tents" and calls mine "a lot of dots"...

Pointillism Megan? Ok she simply ignores the 1880s to jump into color blocks.... Great art kids. But can we keep to the brief? We still have 40+ days to go, you know?

We finally bake. Been holding this activity out because Mr Morg had one two three ulcers so NO heaty food or else Ah Gong will be very concerned. Presenting Mr Morg's virgin egg cracking experience! Jie Jie is a little disappointed because cracking eggs has always been her job, now taken over by cheaper labour!!!
M&M climbing are improving by leaps. They can have a serious career harvesting coconuts now that coconut price so high...

Megan makes mini golf with my hiking pole, tennis ball and a shoe box. This is a game that needs patience and Mr. Morg has no patience.

We play MATCH... It is fun. Morgi loves it a lot.

No idea what this game is called but it is one of my favourite. Lost a lot of pieces throughout the years but still playable. Beats Megan everytime. Yeah me.

We also play this 3D bingo game. Tries to explain the 4-in-a-line-to-win concept to Morgan but he prefers to play the part of a destroyer every round. I can never win Megan on 3D bingo. Why? Why?

So desperate for games for Morgi that I dig out an old toy - Fish out the worms from their worm holes and let them out. What do worms eat, Morgi? Birds! No! Ok fine, bring them to the leaves for a munchie and take them back to rest in their wormholes. Take care of your worms for the next 30 mins. Don't bother me.
Megan watches a free screening of Cirque Du Soleil show and is in awe.. TKSST is also free this month for endless good videos. Free stuff, so nice.

I start having "what do you see in this picture?" conversations with Morgan to get him to practice talking more.

Worksheets achieved:

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